The girl who hit me was acting squirrly and tried to tell the officers (who didn't believe her) that it was my fault too. She tried to make it sound like I hit the truck first and then she hit me. But if you look at the front end damage compared to the back end, you can tell I didn't hit the truck on my own. The damage would have been way worse in the front if I had. And I remember thinking "Phew, I'm glad I was able to stop in time." And then BAM! I saw her coming in my rear view mirror too. It was totally one of those slo-mo situations where it felt like it was 10 seconds before she hit me. I remember bracing for the impact. I'm pretty stiff and sore in my neck and back today. I think I smashed my foot in to something because 3 of my toes seem to be jammed. And for some reason, my nose hurts! I have no idea what I hit it on. My air bag didn't go off so it wouldn't be that. What's really funny was that I was wearing a head band and I tried to find it to put it back on and I couldn't locate it. I found it in the way back of the van this morning!
All in all, I am feeling blessed that nobody was hurt badly. I am worried for the lady I was pushed into. She was prego. Hope her baby is okay. And I hope no body's insurance tries to act a fool.
That really is a bummer! Glad that everyone is okay though.
It looks a lot worse in the daylight. Glad you're okay and I hope the stiffness goes away...
Same situation happened to me on our way to church like 8 years ago. Stupid kid hit us from behind going (60 mph-w/o braking) and pushed me into the car in front of us. He tried to say it was all me too, but good thing for smart cops and he got busted for it all! We were unlucky that my hubby and six month old were in the car too (I was driving while Jared put his shoes on...go figure cause I never drive!) We were all stiff for a few weeks, but the free massages, car getting fixed and settlement was worth it in the end! Hope everything works out okay and that you can get yourself to a chiropractor pronto!
Bummer! So glad you are okay.
Not fun, but it is good cars crush these days - accidents are much worse for the cars, but much better for people.
I was stopped at a light behind someone on a busy road here a few years ago. An elderly couple was stopped behind me when someone wasn't watching and drove into them. Their Mercedes was totaled and pushed into me. I was pushed forward, but not quite into the next car. The poor couple in the Mercedes suffered some injuries from their airbags - they were very short and people who aren't of average size are often injured by airbags (but they were probably saved from more serious injury). I only had car damage. The guy who started the accident was saved by his airbag and his van was totaled.
The insurance was paid by the guy who started it and we had our money in about two months. It completely covered the damage.
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