I have my Christmas Tree up and ready to go. Actually, I'm embarrassed to admit how long it's been up. Let's just say it went up about as early as my Halloween stuff did. Dale did not like that I didn't wait very long after Halloween to put my Christmas stuff up. He says I'm trampling over Thanksgiving. I understand Thanksgiving is a perfectly respectable holiday that deserves decorating but to my credit, I took out all my fall stuff and didn't like it very much. So instead of going out and buying stuff I did like, I just got out all the Christmas stuff.
Besides, I was excited to see if my new tree would work. This is our first Christmas in our new place and I quickly determined that the tree we usually put up would be way to
stinkin' huge for this house. It's not super tall but really wide. If I set it up in our tiny downstairs, there would be no way to walk around it. And who wants to set up a tree upstairs? So I knew I had to get a new smaller one but wasn't about to pay what the stores were asking. I was shocked at what most places will charge for a small fake tree. Until I saw
Walmart's trees. El-Cheapo!!! They look pretty
el-cheapo too but once you get all your stuff on it, not so bad. I got a 6.5 foot, narrow
pre-lit tree for only $35.
And it's white! I wanted to mix it up a bit this year and I think the white looks great! Since this tree is way smaller than my other, it was difficult getting all the decorations to fit on it. I seriously can't fit one more thing on there. But I like how it looks completely covered in stuff. And now you can't see how cheap the tree looks.

I love how the black ornaments are looking on it!

Hobby Lobby had all their Christmas floral stuff %50 off so I got a bunch of fun stuff for the topper. Poor kids, they stood there bored out of their minds in the store while I agonized over what ribbon to choose.

Some favorite ornaments:

Some night shots:

I made Ella Rose swear up and down not to touch the tree. And she's done a great job so far. To date, only one ornament has been broken and it was by me. Dang, it was a pretty one too. All my kids teased me because I had just got done threatening their very lives if they so much as bump the tree. And then I drop one. Smooth. I do have one very favorite ornament that I love so much I won't hang it because I'm so terrified it will break. My mom got it for me out of the country so there's no replacing it.
Anyhow, I'll post pics of the rest of my
decos later.
Your tree looks great all decorated. No one will know it was from Walmartz. ;)
Beautiful! Beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!
Your tree looks equally as beautiful, if not just smaller, than your other tree. You are a fabulous decorator. I hope mine puts itself up this year:)
It's beautiful! I love the colors!
You are so talented! That tree is awesome!
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