Tuesday, September 14, 2010


During August and September we had quite a few "firsts."

It all started with the first day of school! We are trying out a new school this year. Unfortunately, we had too many bad experiences with last year's school and I felt like I had no choice but to find a good charter school in the area. Well, find a good one I did. The kids love it and I love it.

Tabby began 2nd grade and Rex began kindergarten.

Then it was Ella's first day of preschool! Before the school year began, I told her new teacher to brace herself for Hurricane Ella. Her teacher is quite good though and Ella adjusted to classroom life in no time.

Ella also had her first dance class. After years of watching her big sister go to dance, it was finally Ella's turn. Ella has already displayed her passion for dance around the home. Anything with a beat to it gets her movin'. She puts a little too much bootie in it if you ask me so I'm happy to have her in a class to help her get a little more"direction."

And finally, Rex started flag football!
Check out his intimidating face. I'm sure the other team was terrified.
This pic doesn't say much. I just thought it was cute.
He would not keep that danged mouth guard in! Every shot I have shows it hanging out!
He did really great, lasted in the heat, and had a lot of fun. I loved that at the end of the game, not one of the boys asked what the score was. All they wanted to know was what kind of snack they were getting.

For the record we got 2 touchdowns and a safety. The other team got 3 touchdowns. We were beat by 4 points.

Although, the opposing team had an awesome little girl who outran everybody and scored all three of their team's goals. Can't be mad at the girl power.


Brooke Romney said...

AWESOME! And, the cutest kids and pictures in the world. Love to see the updates...keep them coming.

heather said...

I have to agree with Brooke!!! Your kids are the cutest!

MichelleY said...

I can't believe how big your kids are! Tabby is the cutest thing I have ever seen, love her outfit. Congrats on baby #5, that's exciting :)

The Frosts said...

I just got all caught up with your super cute blog! You are just as talented and crafty as ever. Love all your great photography skills on your cute kiddos. Congrats on your pregnancy! That is so exciting! I loved all your craftiness at Tabby's b-day party. I also love all the hair accessories that you're making. Good job, putting all your talents to use. Thanks for the b-day wishes on Facebook!!