Now you now why I just HAD to get her to stop sucking her thumb before it was too late. But here's the thing. I couldn't get her to stop. She found a way around everything I tried. I taped socks to cover her hands at night, I tried thumb guards, I tried that nasty tasting stuff you paint on the nail, I tried ignoring it, I tried praising her when she wasn't doing it, I tired a reward chart. I TRIED EVERYTHING!
I then began thinking of starting a savings account for all the millions of dollars we were going to pay to some orthodontist somewhere who could fix my little girl's buck teeth which she was totally going to get for sure now because she was not stopping for anything or anyone.
Then one day, it happened. It was like she got it. All I said to her was "Tabby (she was about to start kindergarten) they don't let you suck your thumb in kindergarten." Kinda snobby, I know. But it was like it just clicked with her. I don't take any of the credit because over the next few weeks, I saw her just simply will herself out of the habit. She would bring her thumb up to her mouth and then catch herself and stop. She would make little fists and tuck her thumb in to try and remind herself not to do it. I was completely impressed. Over the course of a few weeks, she totally broke the habit all by her little 5 year old self. Sometimes her strong will and stubbornness can be helpful, I suppose.
I just realized the irony of giving my little girl a sugary teeth ruiner because she stopped sucking her thumb to save her teeth...
I'm a little bummed that you didn't include a picture of yourself with one of your many orthodontic aparatuses.
I'm with Nicole. That would have rocked! You know you have one...come on! The look on Tabby's face is priceless! I think the lolly was a hit!
Go Tabby!!! That is awesome!
That is so awesome! I am hoping the same thing will happen with Allie. I have tried all I can think of too.
That's great that you cured her of her thumb! Now if I could only get my Lexie to stop! I was six before I quit. My mom told me that my thumb would turn black and moldy and fall off! Yeah...my girl is too smart and that one didn't work! Great work mom!
Good job, Tabby! That is really cute that she just did it all on her own. I have tried to be pretty good with Porter about what he eats, but since I've been potty training it has been a sugar fest! Oh well, you do your best.
I'm feeling your pain already. My baby is IN LOVE with her thumb! Should I try to kick it now?? :)
I sucked my thumb too and had all of the same orthodontic apparatuses you mentioned. They even put spikes on the roof of my mouth to make me stop but it didn't help. Thank goodness she's done!
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