So I'm at Target tonight and as I'm approaching the check out lanes a cashier looks down at my 9 month prego belly, takes a rather long gander, looks up and says to me right out loud in front of everyone within earshot "We have electric wheelchairs, you know." Wha???? Are you a caveperson? What planet do you come from where it's okay to make a comment like that to a pregnant woman? I look right back at her and while trying my best to keep the snide out of my voice (not really) I say, "No thanks, I'm perfectly mobile." Thank you very much. Then she backtracks and says "When I was pregnant I felt like I needed one sometimes." Well I don't care what you and your fat can needed, keep your comments to yourself!
What is it with some people who think that when they see a pregnant person they think she's fair game when it comes to stupid comments?
What the H? Good for you for keeping your cool! Sadly, I would have told her where to go knowing how I feel when I'm nine months preggo! Where is that final preggo pic of you so we can all marvel at the belly cuteness before it's gone?
I've got a good one too, I was past my due date, as it goes with me, and in Walmart (not a good combo) The cashier keeps commenting on how big I was and please don't go into labor in her line(cause that's exactly what I want is to go into labor at Walmart) and she doesn't know what to do except to get some wet towels. Ok, not kidding, I was the second person in her line and it took me over 30 minutes to check out, the whole time she is saying these things. Do you know how badly I wanted to reach over and deck her?! I will never go to Walmart pregnant again. Good for you for not acting on your instincts although, I think you are not responsible for your actions right now and it would have been perfectly forgivable! Good luck with everything.
I'm sorry she said that. You would think that someone that has had a baby ought to know better!
Yeah, the other day an Elder missionary asked me, "So, how many days do you have?" Days for what, I wondered. It took me about 20 seconds to figure out what he was talking about and then when I realized he was referring to my 34 week belly I considered smacking him and telling him to stick to something he knows something about like scripture references or pimples, but I refrained.
That's so annoying. I'm glad you kept your composure. Next time you go there you should just get in that lady's cashier line in an electric wheelchair, and honk the horn until it's your turn. By the way, I think you should plan my next birthday party! Tabby's party looked like something from a dream. Great job!
Yes, unfortunately I think pregnant women get horrible comments made to them. And people should know better, especially the ones who are mom themselves...but they don't! And kudos to you for having a fabulous party for your daughter while you are 9 months pregnant!
YEA, no kidding! I keep getting the "You have your hands full" comments. It is DAILY!!!
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